Spring Semester 2012

Wednesday 11:00-1:30

Click here for the course syllabus.



This upper-level seminar studies selections from Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, the most celebrated and influential work of medieval English literature. Our goals are to become familiar with Middle English language and Chaucer’s poetic style, to analyze the tales in detail, to read and engage works relevant works of Chaucerian criticism, and to try to understand how Chaucer’s writing is shaped by and also gives form to its social contexts.


Among the educational goals for this course are that students:



Papers are due at the beginning of class on the day indicated on the syllabus. Unless I have explicitly granted an extension before the due date, late papers will be penalized one-third of a letter grade per day. (A paper that would have earned a B+ will receive a B if it is one day late, a B- if it is two days late, and so on.)

After the first essays are submitted, I will read them and return them with grades and with comments and suggestions. Students will then have one week from the day the graded papers are returned to revise the papers in light of my comments and to resubmit them for re-grading. The grade on the revised essay may go up by as much as a full letter grade. It may not go up at all; it will not go down. This option is offered in order to encourage you to think of every essay as a work in progress and to revise your work as thoroughly and as frequently as possible. Please note that papers submitted after the original deadline may not be re-submitted. There will also be an opportunity to revise and resubmit the critical research paper.

As you write and revise your essays, please keep in mind that there are peer-tutors in the Writing Center trained to help students of any level develop work at any stage.

Final grades for the semester will be calculated according to the following formula:


Secondary critical sources are not required for the first essays assignment in this course, but they will be required on the critical research paper. On any assignment, however, you must fully cite any sources that you use. The source must appear in the list of works cited at the end of the essay, and each source must be cited on every occasion that you make use of its words or ideas. This is true if the source is your primary source (the text you are studying) or a critical source (an analysis of the work published elsewhere), and it is true if the source is printed or electronic, including internet sources. You may use any standard method of citation, including the Chicago Style, but it is recommended that you use the Modern Language Association (MLA) Style of documentation, which uses parenthetical citations and a list of works cited at the end of the essay. This style is described in the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, which is available in the reference section of the library and in the Writing Center.

The failure to fully cite sources within your submitted work is a form of plagiarism. Plagiarism is the appropriation of ideas, data, work, or language of others and submitting them as one’s own to satisfy the requirements of a course. Plagiarism constitutes theft and deceit. Special care should be taken, when cutting and pasting materials or when paraphrasing, to cite sources correctly and to use quotation marks around exact words from source materials. Actions that result in plagiarism may be intentional or unintentional. Consequently, students must understand the concept of plagiarism. When reading, processing, or using materials from any source, appropriate documentation is always essential.

The consequences of plagiarism may range from failure on the assignment to failure for the course and university disciplinary action. Resources such as the library (ext. 2178) and the Writing Center (www.fairfield.edu/writingcenter) are available on campus to assist you in your academic endeavors. You are encouraged to take advantage of these resources.


The required text for the class is available at the Fairfield Bookstore:

Other reading assignments will be provided in class or made available through the university’s Electronic Reserves.