EN251: British Literature I

Fall 2006


First Response Paper


Your first response paper is due at the beginning of class on Tuesday, September 12. After reading the headnote on Sir Thomas Malory in the Norton Anthology of English Literature, vol. 1A, pp. 438-439, and Malory's "Tale of Sir Gareth of Orkney," select one of the following topics and write a brief response to it (about one page):

  1. Based on this one example, what would you say are the defining qualities of "chivalric romance"?
  2. "Chivalry" is the code of conduct and manners presumed to be exhibited by the ideal knight. Based on Malory's "Tale of Sir Gareth," what would you say are the central ideals of chivalry?
  3. Is Malory's romance purely episodic-- that is, consisting of one episode following another, with no particular connection-- or does it have a greater form and structure? If it has a general structure, what is it? What holds the various episodes together?
  4. Does the "Tale of Sir Gareth" simply embody the ideals of chivalry? Or does it somehow also challenge chivalry and the presumed standards and behavior of knighthood?
  5. Based on this example, what, if anything, is the role of women in chivalric romance?