Final Exam:

Take-Home Essays


Two take-home essays will be due at the start of the final exam. Each of these essays should be 3-4 pages in length. Both should follow the same format as the other submitted essays, with full documentation of sources in the MLA style. (See Diana Hacker's Pocket Style Manual, pp. 113-154.) Each essay should have a precise and clearly stated thesis.



Select any one or two poems (but no more than two!) by Herbert, Vaughan, Crashaw, Herrick, Carew, Lovelace, Philips, Marvell, or Milton. If you select two poems, they may be by one poet or by two different poets. Analyze how the poem or poems reflect or respond to a particular religious or political controversy of the seventeenth century. Use the historical and biographical material in The Norton Anthology of English Literature, and be sure to cite your source on every occasion that you make use of its words or ideas.



Compare and contrast any two of the following poems or poetic passages:

(Do not choose a poem if it is also the subject of your other take-home essay.)

Be sure to have a precise thesis. Consider some of the following topics: