EN210: Special Topics: English Epic

Second Essay Assignment


The second essay is due at the beginning of the last class, on Tuesday, May 1. The paper may be submitted, however, at any time up to noon on Friday, May 4. If you submit the paper after the last class, place it in the box on the door of my office, Donnarumma 120.

The essay should be approximately 6-8 pages in length. It may be on either Milton’s Paradise Lost or Pope’s The Rape of the Lock. Below are suggested topics; if you have a different topic that you would like to write on, please discuss it with me. Whatever your topic, it is extremely important that you have a clear, central thesis. This thesis should be stated clearly and concisely at the beginning of the essay, and everything in the essay should be dedicated to demonstrating this thesis using specific evidence from the text or texts. Note that the thesis of the essay is the one, central idea that you want to convince the reader of. A good thesis is one that can be proven (that is, there is objective evidence in the texts to support it) and that needs to be proven (that is, it is not obvious or self-evident). You therefore need to avoid vagueness and state the thesis with as much specificity as possible.

Secondary critical sources are not required for this essay, and in fact I am most interested in your close engagement with the primary text and your development and defense of an original argument. Of course, you are always free to consult other sources, but remember that all sources, primary and secondary, must be fully cited on every occasion that you use their words or ideas, and must be listed in a bibliography at the end of the essay. Use the MLA Style of citation and documentation, as described in Hacker and Sommers, A Pocket Style Manual, as well as in other sources.

Here are the suggested topics: