Fall Semester 2005


Third Essay Assignment



The third essay is due at the beginning of class on Monday, November 28. (Note that this is one week later than orignially indicated on the syllabus.) The paper should be about 5 pages long.

In this essay, you should carefully compare and contrast Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre to any one of the fairy tales that we have studied. Brontë is rather explicit about the fact that her novel incorporates themes and motifs from classic fairy tales, and she refers to several of them by name. I am particularly interested, therefore, not just in how the novel's plot parallels those of certain fairy tales, but how Brontë responds to or revises the tales-- how the echoes of the tales give her novel greater meaning, or how the changes she makes in the classic plots changes their meanings. Feel free to explore the areas of your greatest interest, but consider some of these options:

For class on Thursday, November 17, bring a thesis for your essay.