Answers to the sample exam passages:

1. This is the "Sole Survivor's Speech" from Beowulf. It is spoken by the last survivor of an unnamed race as he buries the remaining wealth of his people. This is the treasure that would become the dragon's hoard.

2. From "The Phantom Chariot of Cu Chulainn." Cu Chulainn has been summoned by St. Patrick in order to persuade King Loegaire to convert to Christianity. Cu Chulainn insists that he is the true Irish hero, but also that Loegaire must accept Christianity or, like him, be buried and face only eternal death.

3. From "The Exile of the Sons of Uisliu." Derdriu, who is being raised in isolation in order to be Conchobor's wife, speaks of an imagined lover, as she sees her foster-father skinning a calf. The rather startling imagery suggests Derdriu's repressed desires, but also hints at violence and danger.