EN12i: Texts & Contexts II

Second Essay Assignment


The second essay, on Romeo and Juliet and/or Othello, is due at the beginning of class on Monday, March 14. The paper should be about 5-6 pages long. Here are some suggested topics for the essay:

For class on Thursday, March 10, bring a thesis for your essay. This thesis should be typed and should be stated as a single, complete sentence. The thesis of the essay is the one, central idea that you want to convince the reader of. A good thesis is one that can be proven (that is, there is objective evidence in the texts to support it) and that needs to be proven (that is, it is not obvious or self-evident). A thesis does not have to be a single sentence, but it is a good exercise to write it as a complete sentence since it forces you to articulate the single, coherent idea that drives the essay as a whole.