EN12i: Texts & Contexts II

Portfolio of Response Papers and Summative Essay


On Thursday, May 12, the portfolio and summative essay are due. Send them to me by e-mail or drop off a hard copy in the box on the door of my office, Donnarumma 120, by noon the 12th.

For the portfolio, collect all of the response papers that you have written this semester and arrange them in chronological order, either in hard copy or in a single Word document. Then, read through the papers and respond to them in one of the following ways:

Option 1: In a 2-3 page essay, describe how your views on one or two of the themes that we have addressed have evolved over the course of the semester. Document this evolution with specific examples from at least three of the response papers, explaining as precisely as possible what the examples reveal about your views and thought processes. Feel free to elaborate on your perceptions and opinions on the topic or topics now, and how you think they might continue to evolve.

Option 2: In a 2-3 page essay, describe how your writing style or approach to composing written work has evolved over the course of the semester. Document this evolution with at leas three specific examples taken from different response papers. These examples might represent things that you think you could have done better, or things that you think show improvement or valuable qualities that you hope to incorporate into your writing more often. Feel free to consider any elements of style or analysis, and to refer to your graded essays as well.

Option 3: In a 2-3 page essay, consider connections between the reading and writing you have done in this class and the work you have done this semester in any other Core class. Document these connections with specific examples from at least three of the response papers, explaining how they relate to texts or topics from other classes and what these interdisciplinary connections reveal to you.

Option 4: Write your own version of "Little Red Riding Hood" or of the Adam and Eve story. Retell the story in any way that you wish, but make your choices in such a way that I can tell that you are considering and addressing significant themes in the story.