My research interests are in Empirical Industrial Organization and Applied Microeconomics, specifically related to music and media industries.
Working Papers
"Vertical integration and pricing incentives: evidence from the tablet computer market"
with Scott Savage
"Bundling information goods to reduce search costs"
with Jason Walter
"Music consumption decisions with non-durable streaming options"
with Jason Walter
Published Papers
"Tariff Pass-Through and Welfare in the Tablet Computer Market"
with Scott Savage - Journal of Industrial Economics
"When Falling Just Short is a Good Thing: The Effect of Past Performance on Improvement"
with Mariya Burdina - Journal of Sports Economics
"Using Aggregate Market Data to Estimate Patent Damages"
with Scott Savage - International Journal of Industrial Organization
"Sales Displacement and Streaming Music: Evidence from YouTube"
Information Economics and Policy
"Market Structure and Media Diversity"
with Scott Savage and Donald Waldman - Economic Inquiry
"The rise of streaming music and implications for music production"
with Jason Walter - Review of Network Economics
"Improved Performance with More Realistic Goals: Evidence from Boston Marathon Qualifiers"
with Mariya Burdina and Neil Metz - Journal of Economic Psychology
"Exclusive Dealing and Its Effects: The Impact of Large Music Festivals on Local Music Venues"
Review of Industrial Organization
"The Importance of Quality: How Music Festivals Achieved Commercial Success"
Journal of Cultural Economics
"Profitably Bundling Information Goods: Evidence from the Evolving Video Library of Netflix"
Journal of Media Economics