Chandos Portrait
Shakespeare I - En 355
Dr. Richard Regan
Fall 2002
Office hours: Mon 11:30-12:15, Wed 1-1:45, 3-4, Th 11:30-12:15
Texts: Signet Classic editions of the plays listed below.
Grading: modified contract system. Three tests and an optional paper, each of equal weight in the final grade.
Attendance: for every three cuts, a point will be deducted from your semester average. Excused absences by written note from a Dean's office, Student Services/Health Center, or your faculty advisor. Excessive absences may result in a failing grade.
Required: 1) two tests based closely on the texts of the plays; 2) weekly summaries/responses to critical articles or WWW sites. These are graded as quizzes and can raise or lower the final grade.
Modified contract: an 8-10 page paper to be eligible for a grade of A or A-. Papers may be rewritten after a conference. Topics must be in writing and approved in conference.
Final Exam: essays and passages for analysis.
Students with documented learning disabilities, please see me. Alternative methods of testing and evaluation are available.
"The Elizabethan Theatre": a lecture with slides
FESTE: Royal Shakespeare Archives
The McGill Shakespeare Resources Page
Shakespeare in Performance Institute Acting Exercises
Interactive Shakespeare Project
Internet MetaSites for
Terry Gray's Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet
Was Shakespeare Shakespeare? The Authorship Controversy
The Shakespeare Discussion List Archive
Week of:
September 4 - Introduction, Theory of Comedy, The Taming of the Shrew
September 11 - The Taming of the Shrew
Read: the play and the Signet Introduction, and the articles by Mack, Greer, Bamber, and Slights
Read: the play and the Signet Introduction, and the articles by Rossiter and Kahn
Richard III Society Online Library
Read: the play and the Signet Introduction, and the articles by Frye and David
Introduction to the second tetralogy: Richard II
Read: the play and the Signet Introduction, and the article by Altick
October 9 - Richard II
Read: the articles by Traversi, Schoenbaum, and Holderness
Read: the play and the Signet Introduction, and the articles by Ornstein and Goldman
Read: the article by Kahn on 2 Henry IV
Read: the play and the Signet Introduction, and the article by Collimore/Sinfield
Romeo and Juliet
Read: the play and the Signet Introduction, and the articles by Goldman, Snyder, and Novy
November 13 - A Midsummer Night's Dream
Read: the play and the Signet Introduction, and the articles by Myers, Bamber, and Slights
"Imaging the Children of Pan": an article at the Illinois Shakespeare Festival website
November 20 - A Midsummer Night's
A Hypertext Version of A Midsummer Night's Dream
Read: the play and the Signet Introduction, and the articles by Bamber and Smallwood
"A Second Daniel: The Jew and the 'True Jew' in The Merchant of Venice"
"Contract in The Merchant of Venice"
December 4 - Much Ado About Nothing
Read: the play and the Signet Introduction, and the articles by Stauffer and Neely
"The Role of the Clown in Shakespeare's Theater"