courtesy of the California Shakespeare Festival
Shakespeare on Campus Cable
Plays shown on Channel 104 at 8pm
As You Like It - 1/14 Taming of the Shrew - 1/15 |
As You Like It - 1/21 Taming of the Shrew - 1/22 |
Week 3 En 356 Sun & Tues En 12 Mon & Wed |
Twelfth Night - 1/26, 1/28 The Taming of the Shrew - 1/27, 1/29 |
Week 5 En 356 Sun & Tues En 12 Mon & Wed |
Julius Caesar - 2/9, 2/11 Hamlet - 2/10. 2/12 |
Week 8 Mon-Wed |
Othello - 3/2-3/5 |