7th Annual Poster Session


Bannow Science Center - MacDonnell Atrium
Thursday, April 19, 2007

This year's highly successful event featured 28 projects, which involved 40 students in scientific research.
Please pause curser over photos to view descriptions

Research Projects from the Natural Sciences

Event in full swing!

First floor Adam Horblitt '08 and Sara Kopac '08 with Dr. Braun

Alexandra Wilson '07 and LaQueta Hudson '07 with Dr. SteffenFrances Tursi '07 presents her reserach in Neutrino Astrophysics

Anna Murphy '07 with Dr. KlugClockwise: Dr. Biardi, Dr. Steffen, Dr. Poincelot, Dr. Osier

Chris Simao '08 presents his project, effects on fibrinolytic activity due to rattlesnake venomJenna Koliani '08 describes her chemistry project, synthesis and characterization of tri-phenal amines for use as electrocatalysts, to students and Dr. Osier

Jillian LeBlanc '07 with Dr. SchaefferMatthew Buffardi  '08 presents his research project in biology and toxicology to students..

Jessica Kurose '07 describes her Droplet  Physics project to Meghan Dancho '06Mary McConnell '07 with Dr. Kubasik

Michael Talmadge '07 describes his physics research in semiconductor charge transportCaitlin Quinn ' 07 describes her chemistry research on NMR studies of short helical peptides

Jonathan Velotta '07 and Sabrina Trager '07Michael Zaffetti '07 presents his physics research in string theory to Dr. Biselli

Pryce Gaynor '07 describes her biology research to Dr. BiardiNichole Enriquez '07 studies the gut content of the striped Killifish with a focus on the predation of the Asian shore crab

Chemistry researcher, Kristen Zeitler '07, describes her research on synthesis of dinuclear rhenium phenanthroline complexes for solar fuel production, to Dr.  KlugThomas Johnson '07 describes his biology research with Dr. Biardi

Meghan Popick '07 and Nicole Bournival '07 describe their biology research in the effects of Prdx6 knockdown on hydrogen peroxide treated mouse liver cells using mall-interfering RNASarah Fischer '07 and Jenn Stedman '07 with Dr. Braun

Thomas Johnson '07 describes his biology research to John Tartaglia '08Jenna Koliani '08 and Michael Shinall '07 pose with Dr. Harper-Leatherman

Thomas Johnson '07 converses with Dr. Walker on his biology research project conducted at the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research

LaQueta Hudson '07 and Alexandra Wilson '07 with their project, on PCR cloning and overexpression of a putative necrosis- and ethylene-inducing (NEP) gene from the plant symbiont FrankiaJen Stedman '07 and Sarah Fischer '07 discuss their biology project on the effects of polyphenols from green tea on the growth of C. albicans, with Dr. Kubasik

Research from the School of Engineering

Engineering Robot ProjectEngineering Research Participants, Chris Swetcky, Mike Parsons, Anthony Kunz, David Kaveney and Mike Zaffetti

The Psychology Projects:

Alison Mattessich '07 presents her research in the effects of rapid judgment and stereotypes on source monitoring errorsJoAnn Paradis '07 (right) presents her psychology project, education for diversity and social justice, to student

Ashley Williams '09 describes her research in psychology to Dr. HenkelHarding Lab:  Catherine DiNatale '08, Jennifer Lechak '08, Dr. Harding with baby Kyle, Jonathan Velotta '07

Nicole Zdrojeski '08 and Vin O'Hara '07Rachel Abenavoli  '07


See you next year....

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