HW2 Hints Reminder: Please write your homework on only the front side of your paper. 2.1 The neutral axis of the shape is 47.5mm above the lower edge. Ad^2 for the rectangle is 50,000 mm^4. The shifted area moment of inertia for the square hole is -463,333 mm^4. 2.2 The cable diameter is 206mm. The strain is 0.21%. The stiffness is 4.67 MN/m. 2.3 The torque is 1326.3Nm. Shaft diameter is at least 48.3mm. 2.4 e is 1.1148 mm. Do not round this off much. Stress on the outer face is 51.69 MPa. If it wasn't curved, both faces would see 55.56 MPa. 2.5 Area Moment of Inertia is 2,898,119 mm^4. The transverse shear is 10.6 MPa.