Friday, April 28, 2017
Alumni House

3:30 p.m.

I.  Approval of the April 7, 2017 Meeting Minutes 

II.  Elections for CAS Secretary and two representatives for the Arts & Sciences Planning Committee, one representative from the Interdisciplinary Programs, one representative from the Natural Sciences & Mathematics

III.  Presentation of Faculty Research Highlights 

IV.  Report from CAS Core Revision Committee and Question & Answer Session, Shannon Harding, Chair, CAS Core Revision Committee

V.  Discussion of CAS Core Revision Committee Report 

VI.  Dean's remarks

VII.  Presentation of Distinguished Teaching and Mentoring Awards 

IX.  Announcements

X.  Adjournment  

Elected Members

Steve Bayne (Humanities, serving as CAS Chair, Spring 2017)
William Abbott (Humanities, leave replacement, Spring 2017)

Margaret McClure (Behavioral & Social Sciences, serving as CAS Secretary, Spring 2017)

Audra Nuru (Behavioral & Social Sciences, leave replacement, Spring 2017)

Anita Fernandez (Natural Sciences & Mathematics)

Kris Sealey (Interdisciplinary Studies) 

(Associate Deans Sally and Walker also attend meetings)

Ex officio

Yohuru Williams, Dean
Steve Bayne, Chair of CAS Spring 2017

Margaret McClure, Secretary of CAS Spring 2017

Marti LoMonaco, Chair of CAS (2018), on leave, Spring 2017

Carol Ann Davis, Secretary of CAS (2017) on leave, Spring 2017