Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Alumni House

3:30 p.m.

I.  Approval of the April 28, 2017 Meeting Minutes 

II.  President’s Remarks, President Mark Nemec

III.  Dean’s Remarks, Dean Richard Greenwald 

IV.  Introduction of new CAS Faculty

V.  Informational Report and Question & Answer Session, Shannon Harding, Chair, CAS Core Revision Committee 

VI.  Announcements

VII.  Adjournment  

Elected Members

Steve Bayne (Humanities)
Margaret McClure (Behavioral & Social Sciences)

Matthew Kubasik (Natural Sciences & Mathematics)

Emily Orlando (Interdisciplinary Studies) 

(Associate Deans Petrino and Sauer also attend meetings)

Ex officio
Richard Greenwald, Dean

Marti LoMonaco, Chair of CAS (2018)

John Miecznikowski, Secretary of CAS (2019)