The purpose of the Admission and Scholarships Committee is "to inform and make recommendations to the faculty concerning the programs of the Division of University Advancement and to act as a liaison between the faculty and the Division with regard to alumni and alumnae relations and annual and capital fund raising," and to send "one member to attend and participate in meetings of the University Advancement Committee of the Board of Trustees . . . per the standing invitation of the Board"  
Fairfield University Faculty Handbook, Eleventh Edition (2013), p. 16.

To learn more about the University Advancement Committee read section I.C.b.13 in the Faculty Handbook as amended



Name   Term   
Manna, Nomalia DSB 2025
Miecznikowski, John at large 2025
Byun, Ashley CAS 2026
at large 2027
Taylor, Jay not CAS or DSB 2027
Halas, Wally Vice President for University Advancement ex officio vote