2021-2022 Committee Rosters

Standing Committees of the General Faculty
2021-2022 Rosters
Name ACADEMIC COUNCIL 2021-2022 Term  
Alphonso, Gwen Arts and Sciences at large 2023
Crawford, David1 Arts and Sciences at large 2023
Fernandez, Anita Arts and Sciences at large 2023
Striuli, Janet Arts and Sciences at large 2023
McDermott, John2 Dolan School of Business 2023
Planas, Jessica Egan School of Nursing & Health Studies 2023
Svoboda, Toby Humanities 2023
Slotemaker, John Humanities 2023
Rafalski, Shawn Natural Science/Mathematics 2023
Downie, David Behavioral and Social Sciences 2022
McFadden, David Humanities 2022
Van Dyke, Aaron Natural Science/Mathematics 2022
Micu, Camelia Dolan School of Business 2022
Nantz, Kathy Dolan School of Business 2022
Scheraga, Carl Dolan School of Business 2022
Bautista, Cynthia Egan School of Nursing & Health Studies 2022
Hartwell, Erica3 School of Education and Human Development 2022
Lolis, Evelyn School of Education and Human Development 2022
Balaji, Uma School of Engineering 2022
Siegel, Christine Provost ex officio vote
Greenwald, Richard Dean, College of Arts and Sciences ex officio no vote
Kazer, Meredith Dean, Egan School of Nursing & Health Studies ex officio no vote
Li, Zhan Dean, Dolan School of Business ex officio no vote
Carrano, Andres Dean, School of Engineering ex officio no vote
Grupp, Laurie Dean, School of Education and Human Development ex officio no vote
Bayne, Steven Secretary of the General Faculty ex officio vote
CHAIR:  David Downie
1Fall 2021 replaced by Alfred Babo, 2Fall 2021 replaced by Mousumi Bhattacharya, 
3Spring 2022 replaced by Pierre Orelus
Leatherman, Janie Behavioral and Social Sciences/Dolan School of Business 2024
Martinez, Valeria1 At large 2024
Adair, Jen Humanities 2022
Bowen, Betsy  Humanities 2022
Striuli, Janet NaturalScience/Mathematics/Engineering 2023
Martin, Alyson Graduate School/Egan School of Nursing & Health Studies 2023
Bayne, Steven Secretary of the General Faculty ex officio votes in tie
CHAIR: Steven Bayne 
1Fall 2021 replaced by Kim Barba
Name   Term   
Murray, Tom Dolan School of Business 2024
Kubasik, Matthew College of Arts and Sciences 2024
Andreychik, Michael College of Arts and Sciences 2023
Farrell, Michelle College of Arts and Sciences 2023
Crandall, Bryan Ripley School of Education and Human Development 2022
O'Shea, Eileen Egan School of Nursing & Health Studies 2022
Bayers, Peter1 College of Arts and Sciences 2022
Siegel, Christine Provost ex officio no vote
  CHAIR: Bryan Ripley Crandall    
1Replaced by Ellen Umansky
RESEARCH 2021-2022
Name Term   
Gerard, Sally 2024
Keenan, Dennis 2024
Naderi, Iman 2022
Byun, Ashley 2023
Lawrence, Anna 2023
Boryczka, Jocelyn, Director of Research ex officio vote
CHAIR: Dennis Keenan
Name   Term   
Abbott, Bill Arts and Sciences at large 2024
Babo, Alfred Arts and Sciences at large 2024
Alan, Sila3 Dolan School of Business 2024
Sciandra, Michael Dolan School of Business 2024
Roney, Linda Egan School of Nursing & Health Studies 2024
Labinski, Maggie Humanities 2023
Keefe, Helena Dolan School of Business 2023
Walker, Brian1 Natural Science/Mathematics 2023
Casement, Christopher Arts and Sciences at large 2023
Belfadel, Gigi School of Engineering 2023
Karanian, Jessica Behavioral and Social Sciences 2023
Miecznikowski, John Natural Science/Mathematics 2022
Esposito, Christa Egan School of Nursing & Health Studies 2022
Fan, Felix Dolan School of Business 2022
Davidson, Ron Humanities 2022
Gasca Jimenez, Laura2 Humanities 2022
Counsell, Chelsie Arts and Sciences at large 2022
Rankin, Walter Provost's appointee regarding part-time students ex officio no vote
Rotondo, Vincent FUSA Director of Academics ex officio vote
Ligas, Mark Representing Provost ex officio vote
Undergraduate Deans, as appropriate ex officio no vote
  CHAIR: Christa Esposito    
1Fall 2021 replaced by Nick Kapoor, 2Fall 2021 replaced by Ryan Drake
3Spring 2022 replaced by Vishnu Vinekar
United States Diversity Committee (appointed by UCC)
Name Term
Alberda, Gayle 2024
Eaves, Tanika1 2024
Moretz, Jeff 2022
Chaudhuri, Arjun 2022
Gaskill, Lauren 2023
Campbell, Anne 2023
CHAIR: Jeff Moretz  
1Fall 2021 Replaced by Rose Rodrigues
World Diversity Committee (appointed by the UCC)
Name Term   
Iddins, Annemarie 2024
Purushotham, Sunil 2024
Slotemaker, John 2022
Cansoy, Mehmet 2022
Garcia Iommi, Lucrecia1 2023
Campbell, Anne 2023
CHAIR: Annemarie Iddins
1Spring 2022 replaced by Adam Howe
Name   Term   
Elliott, Josh Elected by General Faculty 2024
M.F. Hillgen-Santa, Jennifer Elected by Non-Tenure Track Faculty 2024
Wilgar, Tiffany Elected by General Faculty 2022
DiBiase, Chris Elected by Non-Tenure Track Faculty 2022
Massey, Dawn Elected by General Faculty 2023
Schmidt, Thomas Elected by Non-Tenure Track Faculty 2023
Boryczka, Jocelyn Provost's Designee ex officio no vote
CHAIR: Chris DiBiase and Tiffany Wilgar  
Name Term   
Sharma, Nazuk 2024
Brennan, Niall 2022
Calhoun, Claudia 2022
Zhao, Wen1 2023
Assc AVP Enrollment Planning: Corry Unis ex officio no vote
CHAIR: Niall Brennan
1Fall 2021 replaced by Qin Zhang
Name Term   
Sundean, Lisa 2024
Rafalski, Shawn 2024
Alphonso, Gwen 2022
Etemad, Shah 2022
Rajamma, Rajasree 2023
CHAIR: Shawn Rafalski
Name Term   
Zamin, Nadia 2024
Eaves, Tanika1 2024
Babo, Alfred 2022
Perez, Sebastián2 2023
CHAIR: Nadia Zamin
1Fall 2021 replaced by John Aland, 2Fall 2021 replaced by Sila Alan
LIBRARY 2021-2022
Name   Term   
Zhang, Li Natural Science/Mathematics/Engineering 2023
Berrett-Abebe, Julie School of Education and Human Development 2024
Yook, Bora1 Behavioral and Social Sciences 2023
Laughlin, Mary Humanities 2023
Conelius, Jaclyn Egan School of Nursing & Health Studies 2022
Willsky-Ciollo, Lydia Humanities 2022
Tao, Jie Dolan School of Business 2022
McGowan, Christina University Librarian and Director of Library Services ex officio no vote
  CHAIR: Li Zhang    
1Spring 2022 replaced by Rose Rodrigues
Name Term   
Garcia-Iommi, Lucrecia1 2024
Byun, Ashley 2023
Gaskill, Lauren 2023
Shadmani, Hedieh 2022
Student: Steven Burns 2022 vote
Student:   2022 vote
Director, Quick Center: Peter Van Heerden ex officio no vote
VP for Marketing/Communication: Jennifer Anderson ex officio no vote
CHAIR:  Ashley Byun
1Spring 2022 replaced by Ying Zhang
ATHLETICS 2021-2022
Name Term   
Kozlowski, Steven 2024
Denhup, Christine 2024
Harriott, Olivia 2023
Li, Danke1 2023
Colwell, Ryan 2022
Moretz, Jeff 2022
Student elected by FUSA:  
Student appointed by SAAC: 
Olken-Dann, Eli, Director of Recreation ex officio no vote
Schlickmann, Paul, Director of Athletics ex officio no vote
CHAIR:  Steven Kozlowski
1Fall 2021 replaced by Julie Marella
Name   Term   
Diaz, Sara At large 2024
Purushotham, Sunil Humanities 2024
Nazarian, Robert1 Mathematics/Natural Sciences/Engineering 2022
Sciandra, Mike Behavioral and Social Sciences or Dolan School of Business 2022
LoGiudice, Jenna At large 2023
Macwan, Isaac Mathematics/Natural Sciences/Engineering 2023
Steffen, Kraig Director, Environmental Studies ex officio vote
Tyler Heffern FUSA representative 2021 no vote
Rozgonyi, Jay Representing Provost ex officio no vote
  CHAIR: Mike Sciandra    
1Replaced by Adrian Rusu
Name   Term   
Adrada Rafael, Sergio at large 2024
Fletcher, Nicole1 at large 2024
Planas, Jessica not CAS or DSB 2023
Hiller, Scott DSB 2022
Sealey, Kris CAS 2022
Halas, Wally Vice President for University Advancement ex officio vote
  CHAIR: Scott Hiller    
1Spring 2022 replaced by Mary Ann Carolan
Name   Term   
Adrada Rafael, Sergio at large 2024
Bardos, Katya at large 2024
Smith, LaTasha School of Education and Human Development 2024
Mager, Diane1 Egan School of Nursing & Health Studies 2022
Garcia Iommi, Lucrecia2 Behavioral and Social Sciences 2022
Xie, Tommy Humanities 2022
Bose Godbole, Mousumi Dolan School of Business 2023
Gunter, Kim Humanities 2023
Smith-Carpenter, Jill Natural Sciences/Mathematics/Engineering 2023
Rankin, Walter Representing Provost ex officio vote
Li, Zhan Academic Dean, appointed by Provost ex officio vote
Grupp, Laurie Academic Dean, appointed by Provost ex officio vote
CHAIR: Katya Bardos
1Fall 2021 replaced by Dorothy Vittner, 2Spring 2022 replaced by Annmarie Iddins
Faculty Salary Committee
Name Term
Weinstein, Aaron 2024
Aksan, Ania 2024
Thiel, John 2022
Demers, Mark 2023
Franceschi, Dina 2023
CHAIR: Mark Demers  
Health Care Committee (Subcommittee of Salary)
  Name Term
FSC Appointee Hlawitschka, Walter (Chair) 2022
FSC Appointee Aksan, Ania 2022
FSC Appointee Demers, Mark 2022
FSC Appointee Gerard, Sally 2022
Administrative Appointee Tortora, Mike (Chair) 2022
Administrative Appointee Josovitz, Blythe  2022
Administrative Appointee Ledan, Ray 2022
Name   Term   
Iddins, Annemarie College of Arts and Sciences 2024
Zamin, Nadia College of Arts and Sciences 2024
Schindler-Ruwisch, Jennifer Egan School of Nursing & Health Studies 2022
Shamash, Emily School of Education and Human Development 2022
Briggette, Lindy College of Arts and Sciences 2022
Sundarram, Harsha School of Engineering 2023
Hunter, Kara Dolan School of Business 2023
Smith, Emily CAE director or representative ex officio no vote
Rozgonyi, Jay Provost or appointee ex officio vote
  CHAIR: Fall 2021 Emily Shamash and Kara Hunter; Spring 2022 Kara Hunter  
Name   Term   
Biselli, Angela1 Natural Sciences/Mathematics/Engineering 2024
Lu, Lin2 Dolan School of Business 2024
Vittner, Dorothy Egan School of Nursing & Health Studies 2023
Novella, Jocelyn3 School of Education and Human Development 2023
Jason Smith Humanities 2023
Brooks, Patrick Humanities 2022
Cansoy, Mehmet Behavioral and Social Sciences 2022
Cosette, Laura University Librarian or designee ex officio no vote
Carroll, Jonathan Chief Information Officer ex officio no vote
Whalley, Debbie Director, Academic Computing ex officio no vote
Rankin, Walter Provost or designee ex officio no vote
  CHAIR: Fall Patrick Brooks; Spring Mehmet Cansoy    
1Spring 2022 replaced by Pierre Christian, 2Fall 2021 replaced by Yaquin Sun
3Spring 2022 replaced by Kim Barba
Other General Faculty Committees and Boards
Honorary Degree Committee
Paul Lakeland
Marti LoMonaco
Anita Fernandez
University Merit Appeals Committee  
  Name Term   
  Balaji, Uma 2023
  Van Dyke, Aaron 2023
  Robert, Tracey 2022
  Wheeler, Kate 2022
Dean appointed by Provost   2021
Dean appointed by Provost   2021
Dean appointed by Provost   2021
Provost/Chair Christine Siegel  
Faculty Panel for Student Conduct Boards
Name Term
Petrino, Elizabeth 2024
Drake, Ryan 2024
Ryan, Sallyanne 2024
Lee, Joan1 2023
Nantz, Kathy 2023
LeClair, Mark 2023
Byun, Ashley 2022
Gill Lopez, Paula 2022
Chamlin-Richer, Suzanne 2022
1Spring 22 replaced by Phil Lane
Student Academic Grievance Board, Faculty reps
Name Term
Abbott, Bill 2024
Byun, Ashley 2024
Janet Striuli 2024
Adair, Jen 2023
Bowen, Betsy 2023
Martin, Alyson 2023
Balaji, Uma 2022
Bayne, Steven 2022
Walker, Brian1 2022
1Fall 2021 replaced by Emily Shamash
Institutional Review Board (research on human subjects)
Campbell, Anne
Schmidt, David
Kris, Alison
Henkel, Linda
Vasquez Mazariegos, William
Zhang, Qin
Crawford, David (alternate)
Swallow, Anne (non-Fairfield member)
Matthews, Deb, Interim Administrative Liaison ex officio
CHAIR:  Alison Kris  
Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee
Gerry, Shannon
Scheraga, Carl
Harding, Shannon
Biardi, Jim
Harriott, Olivia
Hetherington, Chris, IACUC Coordinator
Kristy, John, DVM
Sauer, Glenn, Institutional Officer ex officio
Siemer, Iona (non-Fairfield member)
CHAIR:  Shannon Gerry  
Budget Committee, Faculty representatives
Name Term
Bardos, Katya 2024
Aksan, Ania 2022
Scheraga, Carl 2023
Faculty Welfare Committee/AAUP Executive Committee
Name Office  Term   
Crawford, David President 2022
Labinski, Maggie Vice-President 2022
Abbott, William Secretary 2022
Baginski, Paul Treasurer 2022
Adair, Jennifer Executive Committee, at large 2022
Bayers, Peter Executive Committee, at large 2022
Fernandez, Anita Executive Committee, at large 2022
Kelley, Shannon Executive Committee, at large 2022
Mulvey, Irene Immediate Past President 2022
Magis Core Curriculum Committee
Petrino, Elizabeth Director of the Magis Core, appointed by CAS Dean
Gunter, Kim WAC/WID Coordinator, appointed by CAS Dean
Garvey, Johanna Social Justice Coordinator, appointed by CAS Dean
Downie, David Interdisciplinary Coordinator, appointed by CAS Dean
Lacy, Scott CAS Dean's Designee
Committee on Free Expression Resolution
Name   Term
Rugg, Adam 2026
Abbott, Bill 2025
Sealey, Kris 2024
Lakeland, Paul 2023
Murray, Tom 2022
Downie, David Chair, Academic Council ex officio
Heffern, Tyler President of FUSA ex officio
Siegel, Christine Provost (or a designee) ex officio
Rourke, Paul, S.J. Vice President for Mission and Ministry (or designee) ex officio
Donoghue, Karen Vice President of Student Affairs (or a designee) ex officio
Anderson, Jennifer Vice President of Marketing and Communications (or a designee) ex officio
Esposito, Scott Vice President of Human Resources (or a designee) ex officio
Nemec, Mark President of Fairfield University ex officio
Chair: David Downie 
Note: All members are voting members