GREEN priorities

About NRDC: Our Priorities

NRDC works on a broad range of issues as we pursue our mission to safeguard the Earth; its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends. As an institution, we have six main priorities.

Curbing Global Warming

Global warming is already affecting the world we know and the life we live. If we continue to pump carbon dioxide into the atmosphere at current rates, the consequences could be disastrous. NRDC's scientists, lawyers and policy experts work on the front lines to help implement practical solutions that will drastically cut global warming pollution, from pushing for new state and federal laws to cap pollution, to partnering with business and industry to boost energy efficiency and championing the widespread use of clean energy.

Building the Clean Energy Economy

America's dependence on fossil fuels is a major contributor to global warming, toxic air pollution and dependence on some of the world's most oppressive regimes. By investing in renewable energy sources such as the sun, wind and biomass, we can help solve the energy and climate crises. Investing in energy efficiency can also stimulate the economy by creating millions of new green jobs, putting us squarely on the path toward repowering America with clean energy.

Saving Wildlands Across the Americas

Wild places across the Americas are being threatened by a surge of reckless industrialization. The destruction of these wildlands means the loss of vast troves of biological diversity, critical regulators of global climate, and irreplaceable sanctuaries for recreation and contemplation. Through our BioGems program, NRDC's advocacy team joins forces with online activists and local partners to defend some of our hemisphere's most imperiled ecosystems.

Reviving Our Oceans

Ninety percent of the large fish like tuna and swordfish are already gone. Every year, high-tech fishing trawlers scrape bare an expanse of ocean floor 75 times larger than all the forests clearcut on land. All six species of sea turtle in U.S. waters are threatened with extinction, and marine mammals are increasingly assaulted by lethal noise from high-intensity military sonar and industrial activity. NRDC's ocean policy experts work on both coasts, and internationally, to create and implement a visionary, comprehensive strategy to revitalize the world's oceans, using proven solutions to restore and sustain diverse ocean life.

Stemming the Tide of Toxic Chemicals

Toxic chemicals in our environment, such as mercury, lead, and certain manmade chemicals, have been linked to cancer, birth defects and brain impairments. Reducing or eliminating the load of these dangerous chemicals in the products we buy, the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink can help reduce the toll of human disease and suffering. NRDC's health experts use law, science and the power of the marketplace to keep the worst toxic chemicals off the market and out of our bodies.

Speeding the Greening of China

China, along with the United States, is now one of the leading emitters of global warming pollution. It's the world leader in coal consumption, as well as the top emitter of sulfur dioxide and mercury. China's environmental pollution affects not only the Chinese people and their economy, but also the health of our entire planet. Fortunately, China is taking action to confront its environmental issues. Over the past decade, NRDC has developed a reputation as a trusted advisor to China, and is working with local partners to capitalize on opportunities for environmental progress and to help China meet its environmental goals.