GREEN action center

Welcome to NRDC's Action Center! Here you'll find all the tools, tips and information you need to help protect the earth's extraordinary wealth of natural treasures.

Tell your senators to pass the Appalachia Restoration Act and end mountaintop removal mining

The recently introduced bipartisan Appalachia Restoration Act would stop the destruction mountaintop removal mining causes to our environment and mining communities. Send a message urging your senators to support and vote Yes for the Appalachia Restoration Act.

Tell Congress not to sacrafice our forest as "bio-energy"

Our remaining natural forests and their wildlife are at risk of being destroyed to produce "biomass," organic matter that could come from natural forests and grasslands. Tell your senators and representative that renewable electricity should be a real sustainable solution to our climate and energy challenges.

Tell your representative to co-sponsor a national Healthy Oceans Act

Oceans are essential to our way of life, but below the surface they are threatened by global warming and habitat degradation. Tell your representative to co-sponsor Oceans-21, the Oceans Conservation, Education and National Strategy for the 21st Century Act.

Tell the Energy Department to save money and energy by strengthening lighting efficiency standards

A new lighting standard could save energy and money and reduce global warming pollution. Urge the new leaders at the Department of Energy to strengthen the proposed lamp standards and close loopholes left behind by the Bush administration.