
There is no registration fee for this conference; this is part of our commitment to making the conference widely accessible. However, we do ask that participants register by November 25, so that we can anticipate the level of attendance and plan the event successfully.

To register, please send an email titled "Registration" to Include the following information:

  1. Your full name
  2. Your preferred email
  3. Your affiliation
  4. Your rank (e.g. graduate student, postdoc, lecturer, assistant professor, etc.)
  5. Whether you would be staying past 5pm on Saturday for evening reception or dinner.
  6. Whether you are applying for support. If so, include the additional information listed on the Support page.

Contributed Talks

If you would like to give a twenty-minute contributed talk, please register for the conference. Then send a second email titled "Contributed talk" by November 15, 2023, which includes your full name, rank and affiliation, as well as the title and abstract for your talk. The Scientific Committee will make decisions for the contributed talks by November 22, 2023.