***The Fairfield IRB website has moved.  Please update your bookmark to www.fairfield.edu/irb or access from my.fairfield.edu***

Researcher’s Roles and Responsibilities

Researchers at Fairfield University are responsible for the ethical conduct of research with human subjects. In compliance with federal regulations, state laws, and university policy, the investigator's key responsibilities are to:

Faculty supervising undergraduate and graduate student researchers are responsible for ensuring that the students conduct the research in accordance with the ethical guidelines and regulations.

We recommend all faculty complete a certificate program for research ethics training before submitting their research to the IRB (e.g., CITI, NIH)

More information can be found on the Preparing Protocols page under the section Additional Information.

Please Note: Submissions cannot be made by undergraduates. If you are an undergraduate student, your Faculty Mentor must submit a protocol under his or her own name on your behalf.

If you are graduate student, you can work with your Faculty Mentor to decide how best to submit a protocol. Either (A) your Faculty Mentor submits it on your behalf under his or her own name, or (B) your Faculty Mentor begins the process on your behalf, creating a blank protocol from his or her own account, then sharing it to you for editing. Consult your Faculty Mentor for further instructions, as he or she must ultimately submit the protocol, regardless of whether (A) or (B) is decided on. Go to the Help tab and navigate to "Reference Materials" in the menu to view the "Process for Submitting Graduate Student Protocols (PDF)" for you and your faculty member to properly submit a protocol.

Improper submissions will automatically be rejected!