
Government Funding

Post Award Regulations

The terms and conditions of the award often specify what is allowed or disallowed. 

Reporting is specific to each sponsor and each award.  It is important to read all terms and conditions or contract in order to meet all reporting requirements – financial, progress, annual, final, property inventory, evaluation, closeout, etc.

It is best to discuss with your sponsor contact prior to making changes regarding your goals/ objectives or budget.  All sponsors have different guidelines, be sure to make request in writing and receive in writing/email approval of changes within your application.   All changes should be communicated and sent/circulated to the GGO [CSN 300] to ensure documentation is coordinated properly.  Often, it is important to send approvals/amendments of changes to the Finance Department for them to keep on file for audit / record keeping purposes, this will be done through the GGO.

For most grants, reports are due on an annual basis. The Government Grants Office works with the PI/PD at the onset of the award and determines when reports are due.  Copies of all reports are to be sent to the GGO to keep on file for pending audits.

Documentation of cost-sharing is required.  Cost-sharing is the portion of the grant or contract cost not borne by the sponsor.  Whenever cost sharing is committed by the University it must be documented in the University records and included in the grant file.

The GGO maintains permanent grant/contract files for a period of no less than five years following the end of the fiscal year in which the project closed.  This is to ensure that the University is in accordance with all federal and state audit regulations and funding agency requirements.