University Facts

1. University Summary – On an annual basis, the Advancement Division prepares an updated summary of Fairfield University reflective of current enrollment numbers, geographic distribution of the student body, and rankings in U.S. News and World Report. This information can be used in proposals under the institutional component of the narrative.

2. Fairfield Facts – This document summarizes major facts associated with the institution that have been researched by the Development Office and approved by Public Relations.

3. Management Information – The Office of Management Information serves as an information center for institutional data for the university and is dedicated to serving the frequent information needs and interests of administration, faculty and alumni. This office responds to the external requests required by the federal government, from various agencies, and from other institutions of higher education. The compilation of data is published annually in the University Fact Book.

4. Connecticut, New York, New Jersey Common Application Form Cover Sheet – Some foundations in Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey use the Common Application form. This format contains a cover page and a distinctive proposal outline. The cover page contains specific University information and the first section of the proposal relates specifically to the University as opposed to the specific project for which funds are being requested.

5. Proposal Data Form – A form providing a quick reference to University data often needed for cover sheets on government grants. Data includes things as the University’s DUNS No., Federal ID No., etc.

6. Estimated Computer Costs - While individual costs will vary depending on the sophistication of the computer package, here are the base costs for various products that might be of interest.

• New computer desktop $1,300

• New computer laptop $1,900

• Inkjet printer $ 350

• Laser printer $ 695 +

• Additional software required for special applications will need to be determined and purchased separately.

• Dedicated Computer Server – Cost will be determined based on specifications of the server.

• Server Security: Only secured servers can be connected to the campus network. The security certificate required to connect to the campus network is approximately $900 per year or $1,650 for a two-year price.

• Microsoft Office (including Word, Excel, PowerPoint) is purchased via site license and is considered overhead. Departments are not charged back for this license.

7. Equipment Replacement – Equipment purchased with grant funding will need to be Replaced on approximately a three year cycle. This is not an automatic process. Therefore, principal investigators should discuss with their dean and the academic vice president so that they are aware of the need and consider this in relation to other priorities during the budget cycle.

8. Estimated Office Space Costs:

The following is an average cost of office space. Figures should be confirmed with the appropriate grants officer.

• $600.00 - Square footage (heat, electricity, etc.)

• $1,500 - Basic furnishings

• $1,300 - Computer

• $350 - Printer

• $250 - Data network connection

• $195 - Network card

• $150 - Telephone installation

• $100 - Phone

9. Estimated Wiring Costs:

Wiring costs are dependent upon a locations capacity for data and telephone services.

Capacity available for data/network connection but no data jack exists: Approximately $250 per additional drop for wiring. Estimate not valid for some locations (e.g. Pepsico Theatre)

1. A PC requires 100Mb/s network card (assuming an academic building). Approximately $195 per network card.

2. No available open port on building's network switch (e.g. DMH):
Approximately $350 per new port added.
PC requires 100Mb/s network card as above, approx. $195. each.
Office wiring would require $250 as in #1 above.

3. Spare telephone circuit available in office nearby:
$150 telephone installation.

4. No spare telephone circuit available nearby:
Cost depends on labor involved in installing added circuit and DiD